For one thing, we’re a mother-and-daughter team ourselves, so we naturally approach finance through feminine lenses. And we love turning personal finance, a topic known for its dryness, into something simple and interesting… maybe even fun enough to chat about over brunch with girlfriends. (Yes, really!)
But as it turns out, there are even more important reasons women need a little bit of extra financial attention. As outdated as it seems, in many families, the man is still considered the financial head of the household — especially here in the more traditional South.
The Specific Needs of Women
Women also have complex planning needs and unique risk factors when it comes to financial security. We have to deal with a wide variety of competing interests, obligations, and even money-related guilt, especially when we’re primary caretakers.
And yet, more than 80% of American women will find themselves in the financial driver’s seat at some point during their lives, and we have special considerations to take into account when that day comes. For one thing, the gender pay gap is still a reality, with the average woman earning 79 cents for every dollar made by our male counterparts.
Grey divorce (divorce among those aged 50 and older) has doubled since the 1990s. Women also tend to live longer than men. The average age of widowhood is now 59 years old, which can throw traditional retirement calculations and investment strategies askew. (After all, these staid pieces of financial advice were drawn up with — you guessed it — men in mind.)
Become Financially Independent
But women have every bit as much of a right to financial independence and satisfying monetary strategies as men do. That’s why one of our missions at Mosaic Wealth Strategies is to help cultivate the know-how, and more importantly, the confidence, you need to achieve those goals.
With a combined 18 years of experience and our unique family perspective, we can help you make smart investment choices, plan for your family’s future, and maintain peace of mind when it comes to your finances. After all, you certainly deserve it!
That’s because as women, we all wear many hats. Our careers — be they as a working professional, a stay-at-home mom, or a combination of the two — are just the beginning. We might also be a daughter, a wife, a friend… the list goes on. There’s no reason you can’t add financial savvy to your pool of talents, and we’re here to help you make it happen, all while keeping your specific needs in mind.

We promise, we’re listening — really listening, in the way only a good friend or sister can.