We serve a wide range of women who have built busy and abundant lives for themselves, be they in the office, in the home, or both. Their financial needs are as varied as their personal stories, but one common thread is that they all faced some type of life transition. It was this change that highlighted their need for a financial planner; someone to help them take control of their financial situation with confidence, and guide them forward as they worked towards achieving their individual goals. Below are some accounts of our typical client experiences. Please note that in order to protect the confidentiality of our clients, the names and photographs do not reflect their true identity.

Newly divorced in her early fifties, Shannon’s* ex-husband always handled her finances and she felt intimidated and overwhelmed at the prospect of managing it all herself.
Shannon was looking for a financial advisor to help her make sense of her financial condition and to assist her with budgeting and making the most of her financial resources. She had inherited a substantial sum from her grandmother and didn’t know if she should invest it or use part of it to pay off her current mortgage.
Although Shannon had benefits through her employment, she was confused about the different options available and needed guidance on which benefits were necessary. She was also still living in the marital home and she wanted a fresh start in a new home and wanted to know how much she could spend.
Through our time together, we were able to answer all of Shannon’s questions and address the areas of her life where gaps existed. We developed a comprehensive plan for her which gave her the much-needed clarity she desired. Through education, she was able to gain confidence regarding her financial decision making and feel more in control of her financial life.
*In order to protect the confidentiality of our clients, the names and photographs do not reflect their true identity.

Angela was a successful executive with a Fortune 500 company, but when it came to personal finances, she felt overwhelmed and lacked the energy to make decisions.
Now in her late fifties, Angela wanted someone to guide her through a planning process, bring structure to her personal financial affairs, and offer guidance regarding retirement. An only child, she was also trying to support her aging parents and was wondering how to best navigate the difficult emotional and financial decisions that lie ahead.
Angela enjoyed a nice lifestyle; however, she was worried that she hadn’t saved enough to continue that lifestyle in retirement. And she needed guidance on what steps she needed to take to be able to retire in five years. Angela had accumulated some debt and wanted to know the best way to pay it off before retirement. Since her parents lived on limited resources, she also wanted to know how much she could afford to pay for their long-term care and still retire.
Angela had a vacation home that she rarely used and she wanted us to provide guidance as to the pros and cons of selling her primary residence and retiring to the beach. She also wanted us to help her develop a bucket list of the things she wanted to do when she retired.
Through our planning process, Angela was relieved and excited to have a plan in place that addressed all of her concerns and she was relieved to know that we would remain by her side to provide the structure necessary to make sure the proper steps were implemented.
*In order to protect the confidentiality of our clients, the names and photographs do not reflect their true identity.

A recent widow in her early sixties, Jennifer* had virtually no experience with investments and owning assets, and she had no idea how to take control.
She and her husband had purchased their first house two years earlier. He had inherited some money, and then died of cancer not long after they moved in.
Although she didn’t know what she would need to live on during retirement, she knew she needed a retirement savings plan and some way to pay for potential long-term care expenses down the road. She also wanted help to sort through her Social Security options and how best to provide for her daughter after her death. Above all, Jennifer wanted peace of mind.
Although she had little experience with money management, Jennifer learned quickly throughout our planning process. Soon she began to feel confident regarding her ability to make wise financial decisions – both now and in the future.
*In order to protect the confidentiality of our clients, the names and photographs do not reflect their true identity.
If these stories resonate with you, then we invite you to join us for a chat so we can see how we can help YOU make sense of your own financial story.